Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sunday January 10

If the film, "On the beach" had been made in Frankfurt and Ava Gardner had never gone to Melbourne it would have been spared decades of cultural cringe. If she thought Melbourne in the fifties was the end of the world she should see Frankfurt on a Sunday. It is closed. Everything is closed except the bakeries (and thank God for them and their delicious cakes and bread) and the ever-present trinkalles (small streetside kiosks where you can buy a short snort at any time of night or day). People are wandering the streets, forlornly looking into shop windows and wondering what to do next to get out of the cold. What a wasted marketing opportunity!

Tonight it was our turn to return the hospitality and Matt cooked his signature dish - tacos, and Mere made an excellent apple crumble. We dragged in a table from outside and thawed it out to accommodate the extra numbers. Their friends are so interesting to talk to and it was a terrific night.

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