The clan gathered at Café Caspar to celebrate Mothers day and Caspar’s first birthday. There were presents for the mums but the birthday boy was the centre of attention.

He was delighted with his gifts and pronounced one of his new books a story he could really sink his teeth into.

A large box from Arpa was exciting to unwrap but the wonderful activity cube inside was even better than the box. So fun! So educational!

Most of us donned our party hats but Casp decided to nibble at his instead.He offered Ma B a bite too.

Caspie’s cake was styled to look like a bottle of QV moisturiser, beloved by the sensitively skinned everywhere and a major player in Caspar’s life so far. And the cake made excellent eating too.

The birthday boy was a wonderful host but finally just wanted to nuzzle up to Mummy for some quiet time

Skypes with the Triple Ms in Germany rounded off a brillo day.