Novgorod. Did I say Novgorod? After four months I can still remember it but my intention of writing a retrospective travel blog obviously didn’t happen. I came back from Eastern Europe and walked into the busiest semester I have had in ten years. There are still two weeks to go and i am crawling to the finish line.
While I have been going up and down on the spot for four months Right Foot has completed his PhD and is no longer known as Mister Shed around the neighbourhood. He is now Doctor Shed. And officially An Historian. I am going to insist on his correct title appearing on every piece of mail that comes into the house: Telstra bills, Australian heritage magazine, parking and speeding fines and all sorts of junk mail.
His career as a jazz banjoist has blossomed as well and he is now playing in four groups, a couple of them for money. So now I am not only married to a doctor but a popular musician as well!