Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Life begins at 40

My first born baby girl is turning 40 today. Here is a picture of her taken when she was 2 weeks old, looking at me in alarm. She was right to be afraid. I had no clue about what I was doing; no idea which end was up. But she survived, even thrived and was rarely sick. I don’t think she had a single day off in her primary school.
The daisy wheel printer and the floppy disc were also born in 1970 and where are they today?

I clearly remember my mother turning 40 when I was 9. She was depressed about it: 40 was old in those days but now I’m the mother of a 40 year-old I know it’s the new 21.

It’s also the first day of Summer in Melbourne but it will be very cold where Mere is today. I hope she’s feeling summery inside though.

Happy birthday dear Mere Claire