Friday, November 19, 2010

Write it out a hundred times

There are many famous political slogans:
Ban the bomb!
All the way with LBJ.
It’s time.
The poetic, “Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh, the NLF is going to win! (They did).
Free Zarb! (I’m still waiting for mine to arrive).

But a golden oldie from my early childhood is all you to need to remember on Election Day. You’ve got a week to make sure it’s etched on your brain before wending your way through those wonky cardboard partitions:
Put Libs Last!
Put Libs Last!
Put Libs Last!
Put Libs Last!
Put Libs Last!
Put Libs Last!
Put Libs Last!
Put Libs Last!
Put Libs Last!
Put Libs Last! x 10

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The look of love
Kate Middleton has mastered the adoring wife facial expression already.

This is a look you’ll never see on my face but if you don’t know what I mean check out Mrs Ted Baillieu’s textbook example from last week.

What annoys me most about these pictures is that the man is never looking at the woman. He’s always thrusting his best angle at the camera while she gazes ecstatically up at him. My hero!

The unsurpassed supremo of the adoring wife look is Nancy Reagan. She didn’t just bestow it on Ronnie, but also on John McCain and even Barack Obama.

I’m on the lookout for anyone who can top Nancy. Janette Howard need not apply. We all know she is really the man in that relationship.