Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Things I'm gonna miss #4

The Bookshop

This family business has given me brilliant service over the last 16 years. Family members came and went but all were fabulous. Publishing is traditionally such a conservative business and lead times are usually ridiculouly long. But if anyone could make it happen the Lilydale bookshop did.

The last in a long line of clan members is Jane, enduring some lonely days as the campus dies around her. But still smiling.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Things I'm gonna miss #3

The mags

There aren't many lurks and perks in being a librarian but one is being first to get your hands on the new periodicals. In these days of electronic delivery this is not such a big deal anymore but there are still a few print magazines I love:

1. 'Retail World'
This glorious, glossy trade mag never fails to delight. Every issue is crammed with new products - not big stuff like classy cars or expensive perfumes but supermarket line extensions - new varieties, flavours or packaging innovations. I never buy any of the processed  foods advertised but I do enjoy reading about the revolutionary easy crush water bottle from Mount Franklin or the Heat 'n Serve duck dinner from Luv-a-Duck.

There are articles and category reviews too which provide an industry overview of bread, or toilet cleaners or salad dressings. Did you know for example that the growth in the pet food industry is being driven by snacking? Or that ice cream is the fourth most promoted category behind toilet paper, nappies and chips?

2. & 3. 'Good Health' and 'Men's Health'

Filled with bizarre and often hilarious findings from uncited research studies the women's version is all about diet and exercise as a way to lose weight. The men's version, slightly more credible, is about diet and exercise as a way to gain muscle and attract chicks. Both are great for a superior scoff.

There's others of course - 'Gourmet traveller', some of the child care stuff, 'Choice' can be useful, the literary and marketing journals too. Librarians don't buy magazines, they acquire them and have ways and means of keeping their favourites for unusually long periods.

And I haven't even mentioned the books... or movies