Sunday, May 19, 2013

Today I visited, for the first time, the grave of my grandmother, Brigid who died, aged 25, when my mother was born in 1917. I went with Tricia and Bon who had done the research and knew how to find the right grave. It had been vandalised and is in bad repair.  In the Catholic section of Coburg Cemetery surrounded by headstones bearing Irish and Italian names poor Brigid and Mum's stillborn twin lie unidentified.


I love a cemetery tour but this time it was a personal and very sad connection. It was nice to go back  to Bonnie's and her two fine dogs, Molly and Clancy for afternoon tea

It's a pity Clancy and Molly didn't make it to the Million Paws Walk earlier. But here's two fine Hawthorn-supporting canines who did


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