Monday, November 05, 2012

The final countdown

This is my last full week at Swinburne and tomorrow, Melbourne Cup Day, will be my last public holiday - ever.

I've been to numerous farewells over the last few weeks and now my own are looming. It's going to be weird but I'm beginning to think it's probably good that I'm not staying until Christmas. The gloom and doom around here is not helping. My manager had a heart attack on Saturday. I hope my histrionics were not a contributing factor and I certainly don't want to be next.

I started throwing things out weeks ago but there's still no visible sign of improvement re the clutter on my desk. Gotta get on with it!

I'm tipping Red Cadeaux, the pommy horse with the froggy name, for the Cup. Here he is coming second last year. Go one better tomorrow, Red

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