Friday, October 19, 2012

Restricted free agent

This year’s AFL trade week hasn’t been as unsavoury as usual. I think the introduction of free agency has diminished the meat market atmosphere.  

I am on the market too.  I'm taking a VSP from Swinburne which means I have to wear the red vest for two years. No more library, no more sessional teaching. But, at last, after 3 months of sooking, sulking and looking astonished when people congratulate me on my redundancy package, I’m ready to look for a new club.

But first here are some pictures to showcase what I’ll be leaving behind.  This is my work.


My lunchtime walk

My favourite Lilydale picture

My lake

My beach

My rustic bridge

My boss

My colleagues

The two Julies

Ms New Zealand & Ms India

My girls' weekend at Colleen's

Kath & Kim at the library

Away day

"Lovely Lilydale Library Ladies"

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