Friday, April 15, 2011

Auf wiedersehen Triple Ms

The Triple Ms are flying back to Germany tomorrow and we are feeling sad. I detest the last day of a holiday even when it’s not mine. Maybe a quiet last dinner and a bottle of chardy tonight will be cheering. And of course we are going to see them in Europe in July.
Mere, Matt and Mads have caught up with a lot of people and been to a lot of places over the last few weeks but the highlights from our point of view have been:
the airport reunion,
the first dinner at Hil and Rob’s,
the Grand Prix weekend in Anglesea,
the belated 40th celebration dinner for Mere featuring Hil’s magnificent meringue gateau – probably the best cake I’ve ever had - and a 1999 Moet,
seeing Mads and Caspie playing together,
helping Mads with her reading and blussing,
having breakfast with Mads while her mum had a sleep-in,
and simply coming home and finding them there.

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