Monday, March 07, 2011

Pillow Talk
We went to buy a pillow for Mere who'll be sleeping in our bunk bed come Thursday. I expected to chose from firm, medium and soft a la the three bears. But no, these days pillows come in side-sleeper, tummy-sleeper and back-sleeper then are subdivided by anti-asthma, anti-dust mite, anti-snore (oh yes!), anti-back pain, anti-neck pain,etc.
Having lost track of my first born's sleeping habits I was paralysed by indecision until I spied one simply labelled 'pillow'. So that's what we got. Poor Mere will probably be so tired after spending the previous night on the plane that she won't be too fussy.

1 comment:

Mere said...

'Pillow' is exactly what I would have chosen too. Thanks. x