Friday, December 10, 2010

Let's round off the week with some pictures of our Christmas tree. This is the first time we have gone for a colour scheme instead of just plonking years of post-Christmas bargains all over the tree.
It's blue and silver and features on its top the star we bought in one of the Weihnachtsmarkts last year. There are also the six decorations made of Alsation lace that I bought in Strasbourg's old town and have been dying to trot out ever since.

Two of the little dolls I bought in Russia a few years ago also made the cut. The other two failed the dress code. Ms Red and Ms Yellow, you have to stay in the
box this year.

The only exception to the colour scheme Mads's special decoration which is gold and red. Couldn't leave Mads out. Also worthy of note is Caspie's silver C.

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